4-Reasons-Why-Trade-Shows-Are-For-You GOGO Tradeshow

4 Reasons Why Trade Shows Are For You

If you think that trade shows “are a waste of time” or they don’t help you reach your audience” then you might be mistaken.  Maybe you have heard that trade show attendance is declining?  If these are some of the reasons keeping you from being a vendor at a trade show then let’s see if these will change your mind.

81% of attendees at trade shows possess buying power  

The professionals attending trade shows events are going to these events with a goal in mind.  Most attendees at trade shows have to pay a registration fee to look at the vendors so they are interested in making deals happen. 

45% of attendees only attend one trade show a year

Theses powerful attendees at trade shows only attend about one per year which means they are on a mission at these events.  So even if you are only present at one trade show as a vendor, you will be reaching a very unique client.

78% of trade show attendees travel over 400 miles

The idea that a trade show does not help you reach your audience can be thrown out.  As long as you are at the right show for your product or service then you will be connecting with potential clients who are very interested in your industry.

The average attendee spends about 8.3 hours viewing trade show exhibits

Trade show attendees are there to spend time exploring the different vendors and talking to them.  The exposure you will receive from a trade show will be priceless.

If these facts aren’t enough to convince you that trade shows are working, then read even more about the success of trade shows here.

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